Sunday 7 May 2017

Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is most popular and easiest way to earn money online.There are so many ways to earn like Youtube,Blogging,etc but among them Affiliate marketing is most easiest and convinient way to earn money, anyone can do this job in part time.
      If your Google Adsense is disapproved by some reasons Dont Worrry, you can still monetize your blog or a website with Affiliate marketing technique. You just need a blog or website inorder to promote products. You can earn more and more with Affiliate Marketing, you have present your blog very neatly so that audiance will attract to your blog and they will buy product from your affiliate link.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is simply means A way to earn money by recommending products or services to other people.

This is how it works?

1. First You need to find a product that you want to promote.

2.Then you have to sign up for their affiliate programs like Amazon,Flipkart or Snapdeal etc.

3.You will get an affiliate link which allows the company to see who clicked your link.

4.You have to promote that affiliate link on the internet means on Blog or a Website.

5.When someone buys the product from your affiliate link you will be paid a commission.

There are number of affiliate programs all over the internet for all types of products. But in India, the most popular affiliate programs are from Amazon and Flipkart.

earn money online

How to start?

1.Sign up for any Affiliate program like Flipkart or Amazon.

2.Make your own Website or Blog.

3.Then decide which product you want to Promote on your website.

4.Choose product you want to promote and get the link.

5.Copy paste that link in Affiliate Generator and you will get an Affiliate link.

6.Now you have to put that affiliate link into your website.

7.This link could be A Banner or Image or in Text format with Embedded link in it.

8.All done,now visitor those who are interested will click on your link and Buy product.

9.You will be paid after delievery of that product.

If you want learn how to make a Website then click on link below๐Ÿ‘‡

Affiliate account setup tutorials here:-

Thank you.☺

Friday 5 May 2017

Free Online Proofreading Tool:Grammarly

If you have written any Letter,Blog or anything, then you have made mistakes like punctuation or misspelled words.Somehow you overlooked this mistakes during process of Proofreading.Grammatical errors in your Letter,article or Blog can completly change meaning of your sentence.You can proofread for an hour, but we are human and we can make even silly mistakes, So if your english is little poor and you want to avoid such mistakes in grammer and punctuation there is one tool name Grammarly.

Grammarly is trusted by Students,Writters,Business peole,Blogger and those people who wants to write better.Grammarly will adapts to your needs, it will give you confidence of mistake free writing every time you write.

grammar tool

How Grammarly can help you in mistake free writting?

It is full advanced web based tool,full featured grammar and spell checker that with anything you write on its editor.We can see that in any editor field like facebook,wordpress activates the tool by underlining word errors in real time.It checks for more than 250 types of spelling mistakes,grammar,punctuation mistakes.Also enhance vocabulary usage and suggests citations.

How Grammarly works?

Grammarly is an online grammar and spelling mistake checker tool that improves writing by helping users find and correct writing mistakes.It is very to use.
If you dont want to write directly anywhere like Facebook,Wordpress or Blog simply open Grammarly website on your browser,Go to the dashboard .
Now just click on new button and copy and paste text you want to check.

With the premiun version of Grammarly you can check 250 types of error in text while with free version you can only check errors upto 100 types.There are some limitations for Free version of Grammarly.Grammarly also works for Facebook,Email and Blogs etc you just need to download Chrome Browser Extension to use Grammarly on any text editor.

Should we use Grammarly Tool?

As writer,Student or any Business person, we always try to write near perfect.In this world no one is perfect writter, and we all need someone's help.This tool makes writing very easier by providing accurate and useful correction that we might have overlooked.It helps to improve both writing and proofreading skills.

You must know one thing that, When you first use Grammarly it is easy to think that you should accept all suggestions.But this may not in every case, it also shwos some errors in near perfect text content even if there are no any errors.

Link for Grammarly Tool is here ๐Ÿ‘‰

SEO Tips For Higher Ranking

SEO it is art of developing your own website to rank some position in search results of search engine like Google,Yahoo,Bing etc.SEO is very helpful for getting more organic traffic to your website.In this article,Im going to tell you about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and SEO tips for beginner those who have recently started a Website or a Blog.If you dont have any idea about SEO i'm sure this article will help you.

What is SEO?

Basically SEO is stands for Search Engine Optimization,It is process of developing our website to rank in higher position of search results.When user search something on search engines like Google or Yahoo etc that search engine shows Webpages,Photos or Videos related to the search query and put it on search result.

Generally higher ranked webpages are placed on top search results,But if you follow SEO tips properly you can also get organic traffic on your website too and can get higher position in search results.

SEO tips

There are mainly two types of SEO ie. 1)On page SEO  &  2)Off page SEO.

1.On Page SEO:-

On page SEO includes all the tips that you need to follow while writing articles like providing quality content, appropriate title, keyword research, keyword placement, adding proper images etc.

2. Off page SEO:-

Off page SEO actually deals with the promotion of your page content and getting back links to your site. It is all about link building and increasing page Rank by submitting your site to search engines.

Top 5 SEO tips to get Higher Ranking in search result

1. Quality Content:-

Always try to provide quality content on your blog site.Write such content so that people will like your article,try to attract them by writing unique content on blog so that you can get much organic traffic on your website.Dont copy paste content from another site to your Audience may get wrong impression on you.So try to write your own and be Original.

2. Social Media:-

Social media is the best way to increase traffic on your site.As beginner you cannot get more traffic in 1-2 days,so all you need to get traffic through social media.How to promote on Social media?

1.Create your Facebook page for your website and try to promote your article over there.

2.Join some facebook groups related to your Niche and promote your articles there.

3.Use Google+ because it has more impact on site ranking.While publishing your post share your post with Google+.

4.Use Twitter,LinkedIn,Pinterest to increase your traffic.

3. Link Building:-

Link building is process of getting Backlinks to your site from another sites.To get good quality Back links. You can write Guest Post on another Blog site which having top rank.Another thing you can do is writing comment on anothers website article,this may help you to get back links.Also there are many paid and free websites that generates Back links for your websites.

4. Responsive Template:-

Use responsive and well designed Template for your Blog.Templates matter in the process of SEO.Responsive templates makes feel your comfortable while reading.So use good templates,dont bombard too much things on your blog.Your site should be simple and user friendly with proper navigation.

5. Image Optimization:-

Use proper Images for your articles.Try to place atleast one Image for your blog article.After adding image to your post, just click on properties and give Title text and Alt text. Search engine bots will read this Alt text from your article so use image optimization for better results.

Thats all for this article, Follow the Tips above and Get Higher Rank in Search Results.Thank You

7 Things You should Do Before Applying For Adsense

Nowdays everyone wishes to earn money online. Google Adsense is the best way to make money online from your Blog or a Website but google has very strict policies and terms and conditions so it is quite difficult to get Adsense approval.Your Blog or Website should comply adsense policies to get approved. So before applying for Google Adsense you should check few things,you should check your website comply Adsense Terms and Conditions. This practise help you to improve your website.

After creating Google Adsense account Google provide you special code with your ID and you have to place their code on your website. After placing code on your website Google checks your Blog or Website according to their adsense policies. If your site comply with terms and conditions then it is approved and ads starts displayed on your website.

But if your website doesnt comply adsense policies then your application get rejected and they send Email with rejection reasons and give some ideas to improve your website. You can fix mistakes and can reply for Adsense. Many Websites and new Blog dont get approval due to some reasons but after knowing exact problem you can easily fix them and get approved. So here I have list of few things that you should know. You can evaluate your site according to mentioned points below and fix problems.

1. Be Original

Try to write your own, your content should be original. You can take reference of other websites articles but dont directly copy paste another's content to your website.Atleast try write 10-15 posts your own without taking reference from another. Google checks your website to see your content is original or not.

If you are new Blogger immediately submit your content to Google because there is posibility that someone can copy your content on their website also. Newer website has very low crawl rate so Google do not get idea about content.So as soon as possible submit your content to Google to show you are owner of this content.

You should check your website content before submitting to any search engine.You can analyse your content for duplication at Siteliner

2. Check Your Content

Your website should not contain following content
1. Violence
2. Adult
3. Hacking
4. Pirated Softwares

Google Adsense is against such content so if your website or blog contains content mentioned above then you should remove such content immediately from your website.If your website containt such offensive content Google directly disapprove your application.So delete those content which is spoiling Adsense terms and conditions and after some days re-apply for Google Adsense.

In Addition you should avoid Grammar Errors in your content.If your grammar skills are poor you can use Free Online Proofreading Tool Grammarly.

Free Online Proofreading Tool Grammarly

3. Check  External Links

Links are very importants for your website, you should always link to good websites.Adsense checks for which websites you are linked.You should not link to website which-

1. Offers free downloads of pirated softwares linke Onhax,Mediafire etc
2. Torrent sites
3. Adult websites
4. Spam websites

If your website contains such external links delete them right now because Adsenseis against these.If you dont have any idea you can download free software Screaming Frog SEO Spider to get get list of all external links.This software analyse your website to get all details.

4. Remove Low Content Posts

You have to delete such posts which have very less content.Writing article of 100 to 150 character does not make sense. You should write meaningful content in brief, your content should explain more and more. Content is king so you should write quality content to your website. The websites which have very low content Google consider them as low quality sites and ignore them.

 Rank of your website somehow depend upon how much and how you write content. You should encourage your audiance to read your article. More the quality content more organic traffic will generate to your site. So create a quality content for site to get approval from Google Adsense.

5. Remove Existing Ads Network From Your Website

You might using other Ads networks like Infolinks,Chitika, to monetize your website. But you should remove remove these advertising networks before applying for Google Adsense.
After getting Adsense approval you can use other Ads networks along with Google adsense there is no problem. But to get approved from Google Adsense first you should remove other Ads networks. There is no problem in using other ads networks but while applying for Adsense you may get bad impression and there are chances of getting disapproval so recommend you not to use other ads networks before Adsense.

6. Add Some Important Pages

After manipulating your website content to make suitable for Adsense you should add some important pages to your website.I have list of some pages that you should include in your website

1. About Us
2. Contact Us
3. Privacy Policy
4. Terms and Conditions
5. Disclaimer
6. Sitemap

You dont have to take much efforts to make this pages.There are several site who helps us to generate such pages online for website.You just need to search for such sites who generate this page content for free.Adding this important pages to your website can icrease chances of getting Adsense approval for your website.This pages makes your site looks proffesional and you may get good impression.

7. Wait For Some Time

If you are Beginner or new Blogger you should wait for 2-3 months before applying for Adsense. Dont immediately apply for Google Adsense because Traffic is most criteria or thing for any website or blog. Your website must get Oragnic Traffic, your website should get atleast 100-300 visits daily.

Google wants to reach out more and more people so they expect more traffic at your site. Without organic traffic how can you expect to get Adsense approval? So wait until you get much organic traffic at your site,it may take 2-3 months and then apply for Google Adsense.

To get organic traffic at your site you can take help of any paid site to promote your website and get traffic. Also you can use Social networking sites to improve Traffic rate at your site. In this 2-3 months link your site to Social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,Pinterest etc. Post your articles on such sites inorder to get traffic,Social sites are best way to reach out more and more people and to get much organic traffic.

Google Adsense is the best way to make money online but first you should improve your website to make it suitable for Adsense Terms and Conditions. Wait until your website get mature and ready for Adsense approval. That all for this article. Thank you☺

Top 7 Ways To Get Organic Traffic To your Blog

tips to increase website traffic

Traffic, the most important factor of every website.Every blogger dreams of getting huge traffic to their Website or Blog.Traffic is the key success of any Website.This article is about how to get more and more traffic to your Blog/Website, Inorder to grow your followers and earn from Blog.

1. Promote your Blog/Website And get more Traffic

so how to promote your Blog?

The more and more people you know the more people you can reach.Networking is one of the important part of your Blog.You need to reach people,interact with people or blogger,ask questions,know about trends.This will help your blog noticed and you will get mention somewhere.If you are new blogger and want to reach people out you need reach bloggers related to your Niche.

How can you reach out to these Bloggers?

1. Take their interview

2. Write guest post on their Blog site.Reach out to them through Email and Social channels.

3. Refer to other bloggers and link back to them.Referencing to others you will also get some reference too.

4. Study your Niche and try to understand area of interest.then write effective content on their area of interest.

5. Invite them for guest post on Your Blog site.You can also write guest post to their blog and can ask them if they would be interested in your post on their blog.

6. Find out Bloggers related to your Niche and comment on their post,interact with them.make goog relationship with these bloggers because it last forever.

2. Forum/Video/Email Marketing

1. Forum:-

Forums are spammers free.Every Blog has popular forums related to niche where people those who are interested gather and discuss related topic.This will helps interested audience to know more about you and discover your blog.

2. Video:-

Video is the great medium to reach out more Audience.For every content in your blog you should create small videos,inorder to describe more about your content.Videos effectively helps audience to know more about your topic or content.So if possible create Youtube channel for your Blog and add some videos related to your niche.Optimize your channel and keep adding fresh video content on it.This will attract more audience to visit your blog.

3. Email:-

This can bring huge traffic to your site.If you are Beginner then this option is not feasible.However make sure to keep your current subscribers in loop by updating them about new cotent of your blog.If you are new blogger then make a list of emails,send out mail to family,friends and tell them about your blog and ask them their opinions.I'm sure this will surely help you to get some traffic.

3. Social Media

Today half of the world is on Facebook already.Social media is the greatest platform to promote your blog an bring traffic.Being active,relevent and effective content on social media attracts audience attention and makes traffic for your blog.Atleast create social profile on Google+,Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Youtube and Instagram related to your Niche.

1. Share your content with Google+.

2. Create facebook page for your blog and post on others group and pages.

3. Not just create social profile be active there on Twitter,Facebook and interact with audience.

4. Reach out personally  to those people who have commented or liked your post.

4. SEO

Now Search Engine Optimization is the most popular way to bring organic traffic to your blog.It is very effective method to bring audience to visit your blog.Learn some basic SEO things and implement them in your blog,it will surely bring traffic at your site.So atleast learn some basic skills about SEO.

5. Paid Traffic

Paid traffic is very easiest and quickest way to generate traffic at your blog.But it costs much,not everyone can afford this method.This can help you in generating organic traffic.

1. There are so many sites who offers Paid Traffic facillity.

2. Google Adword is the most popular paid traffic generator but they are very costly.

3. Facebook adverts is also better option for generating paid traffic.

4. Boosting your posts on facebook is another way to get attension of more audience to visit your site.

5. You can also place banner ads of your blog onto other popular Blogs or any site related to your niche.

6. Create Relevent and Effective Content

This is basic method of generating traffic to your Blog site.Create quality content on your blog so that audience will feel compelled to visit your site.Remeber Content is the King so quality of content is very important.
Dont copy someones content from another site,you may get bad impression and you will lose respect.Try to write own and Be Original.You can go through others blog posts,understand the content and then try to write in your own language but dont copy paste.

7. Blog search engine

Blog search engines are like Google,you can submit your blog to them.Once indexed you blog is added to their database.This method makes your blog easy to find by Audience and other bloggers.
There are few most popular Blog Search Engines.

4. bloghub

Do more

1. Create Youtube channel for your Blog Niche.make videos to get attention of audience.most of the top bloggers have their channel on YouTube.

2. Try to write 1-2 posts per day related to your Niche.Keep updating your Blog regularly.

3. Make slideshare of your content.this can be another method to gain exposure for your content.

4. Make your content Media Shareable with intension of linking back to you.

5. Make social profile for your Blog so that people may know about your Blogging.This will help to drive more traffic.

6. Add blog link to your Email signature.

7. Make sharing easy and include different sharing buttons like Facebook,Whatsapp,etc.

8. Your site should be mobile friendly.You can check Mobile Friendliness here.

Promotion is the most important aspect of your blog.Without any promotion your blog is just your personal blog,no one can discover and therefore you cannot get traffic so you cannot make money.You have to take more efforts in promotion of your Blog so that audience can reach out to your blog.Traffic is the key to make money from blogging and to get traffic promotion is neccessary.